Shipping Policy

Processing & Delivery time

Orders from GlowinGulf typically ship within 1 business day via iMile and arrive within 2 to 3 days. We also offer a Next-Day Delivery option which ships within the same day via UPS and arrives the following business day. Please note that even if the order doesn't ship on the same day of purchase, it will still arrive the next business day.

Shipping Notification & Tracking

Once your order has shipped, we will send you a shipping notification as soon as the tracking number becomes active. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the tracking information to update on the tracking website.

Issues & Delays

If you encounter any issues with your order or experience delays, please contact us at However, please understand that once your order has shipped, delays are out of our control.

Incorrect Shipping Address

Please ensure that your shipping address is correct. Our system may catch minor errors and we will contact you in such cases. However, some errors may slip through, resulting in a failed delivery attempt and return to sender.